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Jim D.

Arlington, VA

Ambassador Jim Dooley  Photo

Age Range: 45-60

Got Inspire on July 15th 2021

My implant date is July 15th, 2021 and I live in Arlington, VA. Because of Inspire, I am happier, healthier and more present in every aspect of my life. That’s huge. I am a better father, husband, friend, neighbor, citizen, because Inspire allows me to get deep restorative sleep every night.

Interests: Spending time with my family, lock sport, daily dog play dates with my labrador and her pack of four other labrador retrievers, gardening, long distance cycling, harm reduction volunteering in my community.

Why I chose Inspire therapy to treat my sleep apnea: I had used a CPAP for 20 years, but as I aged and gained weight, the CPAP simply wasn’t able to treat my OSA. I was slipping back towards untreated OSA including nearly falling asleep at stop lights, being grumpy and spaced out all the time. Additionally, I was trying to self medicate with insane amounts of caffeine and sugary foods during the day in an attempt to stay awake. Living like this was unsustainable, unfulfilling and unsafe. I needed to find something that would not simply treat the symptoms of OSA but hopefully remove OSA from my life.

In a few short words, I would describe Inspire therapy as: Life changing. Life extending. The one thing I always mention when talking about Inspire is: “Inspire is easily and without a doubt the single most important thing I have done in my life to improve my physical and mental wellbeing.” When I used my CPAP, my compliance might have been 70% when things were going good and as low as 10% when I was really struggling with the CPAP treatment. Since my Inspire was activated three years ago, I have used my Inspire EVERY SINGLE NIGHT most nights for at least 7 hours. I simply can’t envision a scenario in which I wouldn’t want my Inspire keeping my airway open all night while I sleep like the fit young man I was in my 20’s. Because of Inspire, I am happier, healthier and more present in every aspect of my life. That’s huge. I am a better father, husband, friend, neighbor, and citizen, because Inspire allows me to get deep restorative sleep every night.

Why am I a patient ambassador? My mother was a long term breast cancer survivor and she spent untold hours talking to women who had just learned they had breast cancer and helping them understand that there is a path forward. I dont think anyone ever asked her why she did that as it was clear that she was being compassionate and helping someone in need. I feel the same about Inspire. It has profoundly changed my life for the better. Why wouldn’t I want to share that with others and truthfully answer their questions. It truly seems like the the least I could do.

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