Over 99.5% of Inspire® implant procedures are successfully completed without any major complications.1
During an approximately 90-minute outpatient procedure, an Inspire-trained doctor will make two small incisions. One incision is to place the implant under your skin near your collarbone. The other incision, beneath your jawline, connects the implant to the nerve in your neck that controls your tongue.
After the procedure, most people require nothing more than over-the-counter pain medication, and within a few days, can resume non-strenuous activities. Talk to your doctor about when you can resume light activity and return to work.
A follow-up appointment will be scheduled to turn on the Inspire implant and learn how to use the small handheld Inspire™ remote to control your therapy and adjust the settings. Your Inspire-trained doctor will work with you to guide you to the right therapy level for you.
Learn more about the process, and what to expect, below.