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Inspire® Therapy Helps Pennsylvania Man Get Restful Sleep

Rodney Webb may have gone years dealing with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) if it wasn’t for his girlfriend, Chanel Singleton.

Rodney Webb noticed his cousin Curtis Phillips was doing better with Inspire® therapy, so he also went through the process to qualify and receive the implant. Webb is now sleeping better and joining his cousin to share their experience to others.
By Megan Hoffman
Published on February 27, 2025

And if it wasn’t for his cousin, he may never have found Inspire® therapy.

Singleton, who is a nurse, first noticed Webb stopped breathing during his sleep.

This led Webb to discuss it with his doctor. A sleep study later confirmed the OSA diagnosis.

Webb used a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine at first, but that treatment wasn’t working well for him. He continued to wake up tired each day.

But then his cousin, Curtis Phillips, introduced him to a different option. Phillips also had OSA and struggled to use a CPAP, but he was now sleeping better after starting Inspire therapy.

Webb was intrigued by his cousin’s success and wanted to know more after failing to make his CPAP work for him after almost five years.

“I slept worse with the machine than without it,” Webb said.

The mask and hose continuously got in his way. That made it impossible for him to get the restful sleep he needed.

Webb went to see an Inspire-trained doctor after he heard more from his cousin.

He eventually qualified and received the Inspire implant at his local Veterans Affairs facility.

He noticed a difference soon afterward.

“I sleep so much better at night, and I don’t feel tired all day,” Webb said.

Webb and Phillips share more than a bloodline now. Both are also successful with Inspire therapy.

They are also volunteering to help other people who are dealing with OSA, including speaking at conferences nationwide to discuss their journey and eventual success with Inspire therapy.

“Inspire has made my life so much better,” Webb said.

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