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Florida man finds relief with Inspire® therapy after more than 30 years with sleep apnea

Pete Marian was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) over 30 years ago but was possibly dealing with the condition longer than that.

Pete Marian was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) over 30 years ago but was possibly dealing with the condition longer than that.
By Megan Hoffman
Published on December 12, 2024

Pete Marian was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) over 30 years ago but was possibly dealing with the condition longer than that.

It wasn’t until he started Inspire® therapy that he began to feel relief from his sleep apnea symptoms.

The journey to get his OSA under control was challenging though.

The struggles before treatment were even more evident during his shifts as a maintenance worker on wastewater systems in Alabama.

Marian drove a truck to different stations around the state, often nodding off at the wheel because of his lack of sleep. His work partner had to punch him in the arm to wake him up.

The condition was also having an impact on Marian’s family life. His wife and son were so sick of his loud snoring, they would move to other parts of the house at night to rest.

There were several treatment options over the decades.

In the early 1990s, his doctor first recommended what was an innovative laser surgery back then. Marian’s snoring improved, but he continued to have apnea events where he would stop breathing while sleeping.

He was later given a Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (BIPAP) machine, which not only didn’t help but also made his sleep apnea worse and kept him awake at night. Marian finally gave up after just a few months.

One day, Marian was driving when he heard a radio ad for Inspire therapy, prompting him to contact a friend who was also a doctor.

This led him to an Inspire-trained doctor, and he later qualified and was implanted in September 2019.

He said his life “has completely changed because of Inspire therapy.”

Marian has high energy levels since activation, and he can sleep in the same room as his wife again. He also doesn’t fall asleep at the wheel anymore.

Marian and his wife are enjoying being active in retirement.

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