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Reaching For the Sky: How One Man Has Found New Energy with Inspire® Therapy

Bryan Foster is a Houston-based flight attendant who loves to fly, but keeping up with early mornings and late nights became increasingly difficult.

Bryan Foster shows off his fishing skills in front of his boat.
By Megan Hoffman
Published on November 28, 2024

He just wasn’t getting enough restful sleep and was feeling agitated. Foster also had constant headaches and high blood pressure, and he wanted to know why.

It was almost 15 years ago when Foster was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

He tried everything from a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine to a Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) machine and back to a CPAP. Nothing worked.

Foster eventually found out about Inspire® therapy and decided to go through the qualification process, which he passed. He was implanted in April 2021 and activated a month later.

Foster’s condition also led to a scary moment before receiving Inspire. He continued to work before his surgery date, but he started to feel odd during one flight. It was so bad, the paramedics had to pick him up when the plane landed.

The paramedics took Foster to a local emergency room where his blood pressure was in the range of 200/100, well above the normal range of 120/80.

Bryan Foster walks off the green after making a putt. Foster enjoys doing many activities now that he is successfully treating his obstructive sleep apnea.

Those days are in the past now. Foster’s quality of life is much better, and his family told him they noticed an increase in energy and happier moods. His blood pressure has also improved, and his headaches are gone. 

But the decade-long journey to find the right treatment was a challenge.

Foster’s first sleep doctor prescribed a CPAP at first. Foster used it but couldn’t sleep well. He decided to just deal with his condition and do the best he could without it.

The struggles to remain alert continued with his job and with his home life.

Bryan Foster watches a Houston Astros’ baseball game at Minute Maid Park.

Foster found himself at another doctor’s appointment with a different doctor 10 years later. CPAP was the recommendation once again, but Foster still didn’t find relief. 

Foster found himself at another doctor’s appointment with a different doctor 10 years later. CPAP was the recommendation once again, but Foster still didn’t find relief.

Foster moved on to try a BiPAP machine and another CPAP machine, but his lack of sleep still affected his work as a flight attendant.

Foster also had restless leg syndrome, exasperating his exhaustion as the days passed without a solution.

He was about to give up before a pulmonologist introduced him to Inspire.

Foster now flies around the country each week with a renewed sense of well-being thanks to his restful sleep.

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