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Inspire® Therapy Helps Colorado Couple Get Their Active Lifestyle Back

James and Farhana Morales are enjoying life with vacations, road trips, boat rides and hikes.

James Morales travels more often now that he has the energy since treating his obstructive sleep apnea with Inspire® therapy.
By Megan Hoffman
Published on February 13, 2025

James and Farhana Morales are enjoying life with vacations, road trips, boat rides and hikes.

It all started with Inspire® therapy.

“I started feeling a difference right away, but in my mind, I didn’t want to believe it yet,” James said. “By the time I got in for my first follow up, I already noticed I was sleeping better. I felt like I wasn’t falling asleep in the middle of the day.”

Their active lifestyle used to be difficult as James dealt with symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Morales’ OSA diagnosis came with help from his wife, Farhana. She recognized he stopped breathing while sleeping and discussed it with him.

The lack of restful sleep also made Morales exhausted during the middle of the day, and Farhana had to shake his arm to wake him up on several occasions while he was driving.

“You don’t realize what the actual problem is, and it is so gradual, you don’t really notice how much of a lack of sleep you’re getting until you are randomly sitting at a stop light and can’t keep your eyes open,” James said. “If it wasn’t for my wife, who knows when I would have found out.”

The issues also remained when trying to use a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine.

He also had deviated septum surgery and tried a dental appliance and nose strips.

His condition worsened, and he also developed memory problems.

Morales finally learned about the Inspire® implant in 2015. The FDA approved Inspire therapy in 2014.

He decided to see if he qualified after years of not getting the help he needed.

He later had the Inspire implant procedure in 2017.

He started to use the therapy after activation about a month later.

Morales couldn’t believe how quickly his condition began to improve. He noticed his memory get better with each night of restful sleep.

“I love my sleep, and to know that (James) was finally enjoying what I have been enjoying for years, that made me feel good,” Farhana said.

Morales can now concentrate more on his daily tasks. He isn’t falling asleep at the wheel anymore either.

He can take trips with his wife and stay active. That is something they both appreciate.

“He was just falling asleep all over the place, and he didn’t have much energy,” Farhana said. “We are a very active couple. We love to vacation, and I just wanted him to be able to enjoy the level of energy I am at.”

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