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“Nothing Can Compare To It”: How Inspire® Therapy is Helping One Ohio Man Sleep Better

Curtis Phillips received his obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) diagnosis in 2012 when others noticed he was sleeping more than usual.

Curtis Phillips said he noticed a “life-changing” difference in his quality of life since beginning Inspire® therapy.
By Megan Hoffman
Published on February 21, 2025

Curtis Phillips received his obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) diagnosis in 2012 when others noticed he was sleeping more than usual.

His friends grew more concerned when they saw him stop breathing during his sleep.

Phillips started to use a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine at first. But he still spent about a decade struggling to get restful sleep.

That was until he discovered Inspire® therapy.

“It’s great,” said Phillips, adding how Inspire therapy changed his life. “Nothing can compare to it.”

It was much different before the Inspire implant.

Phillips woke up each morning feeling tired and groggy. This was even when he tried to use his CPAP machine.

“It was uncomfortable to sleep in,” Phillips said. “Cleaning the machine also took up a lot of time.”

Phillips later attended a 2019 seminar to hear from Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctors. This is when he first learned about Inspire therapy.

Phillips researched and went through the process. He qualified and had surgery in 2020.

He quickly noticed a difference in his quality of sleep and life.

“I began feeling better because I was getting more sleep,” Phillips said.

His success with Inspire therapy also motivated Phillips’ cousin Rodney Webb to research the treatment option.

Rodney discovered he also qualified for Inspire therapy and started it about a year later.

Now, the cousins are both sleeping well.

They also travel the country sharing stories of how Inspire therapy changed their lives.

Both even attended a 2023 ENT conference in Chicago to discuss their experiences with different doctors.

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