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Steve Willis Headshot

Steve W.

Age Range: 60-75+
Location: Texas
Inspire Patient Since: May 2022
BMI: 25
Inspire was the best thing I did for my sleep. It has been wonderful. I recommend it for everyone with obstructive sleep apnea. I firmly believe that CPAP machines are going to be obsolete in the next few years.

After 20 years of wearing a CPAP to sleep and seeing the Inspire commercials I decided to investigate Inspire. I did a thorough review of the Inspire surgeons that were in the Austin area. After choosing one and having my office visit, I moved forward on May 6, 2022 with the surgery and have never looked back since. I sleep longer and better with Inspire than I did with the CPAP.


My wife and I are retired and love to travel. Inspire has been a savior. No more carrying CPAP machines and finding places to plug them in. I use it on the plane. I also enjoy golf, boating, and playing with my grandchildren.

Why I chose Inspire therapy to treat my sleep apnea:

I was ready to try anything to get rid of the mask and hose required for a CPAP. I now am sleeping normally and in any position I want like I did before using a CPAP.

Why am I a patient ambassador?

I want to share my story with others. I understand the frustration with CPAP machines. Inspire surgery is fast and easy with a quick recovery.