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Penney B.

Charlottesville, VA

[M] Ambassador Penney

Age Range: 45-60

Got Inspire on May 20, 2020

Hi, my name is Penney and I have had Inspire since May 20, 2020. I didn’t even know I had sleep apnea. I have always had allergies and that’s what I thought it was, I didn’t think it was sleep apnea. So I got on a few allergy regimens and I would run miles each day to physically exhaust myself in hopes of sleeping better that night but nothing worked until Inspire.

Interests:  Playing tennis, taking long walks, rowing, traveling, and hanging out with my family and friends.

Why I chose Inspire therapy to treat my sleep apnea:  I needed sleep and after not sleeping well for years, I was up 6-8 times a night and not having energy and barely functioning day to day, it was time that I found something that would help me capture a good night sleep.

In a few short words, I would describe Inspire therapy as:  A gift of life. The thought of not living well on the other side of the day was torture and I craved sleep. I had no problem going to sleep, but could not stay asleep and woke many times during the night, and knowing that I could potentially have a stroke or heart attack made me anxious. Inspire most certainly has changed my life for the better good and I am grateful for a good night’s sleep.

Why am I a patient ambassador?  I promised myself and others that if this therapy worked for me and I was able to capture a good night’s sleep, I would share my story so that others would have the same opportunity to get a restful night of sleep. I have a different outlook on life and I have an abundance of energy and want to be the person who changes someone’s life for the better. I am excited to be part of the “Inspire” family of recipients, and feel that anyone who is using a CPAP machine that is cumbersome and is not working for a patient struggling to get adequate sleep, should consider “Inspire.”

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