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Ambassador Nancy photo

Nancy H.

Age Range: 60-75+
Location: Florida
Inspire Patient Since: November 2021
BMI: 27
Inspire is very easy to use, and it works. My AHI went from 17 per hour to 0.02. It is great for traveling. All you need to do is take the remote.

My Inspire implant date was November 18, 2021. My husband and I are retired, and living in Sun City Center, Florida. My first career was teaching, and then I went back to LPN school at age 51. I successfully used CPAP for 11 years, then I developed some anxiety issues, and could no longer tolerate it. I went without it for 1 1/2 years, and was always exhausted. My husband found the Inspire website, and suggested we both look into it. We had both lost a significant amount of weight, and needed new sleep studies. His sleep apnea improved, but mine got worse. I proceeded with the process to get Inspire. It has been a total success. I have a lot more energy now.


We are very active with our children and grandchildren. We babysit our youngest granddaughter 2-3 days a week. We travel as often as we can. We also are volunteers on our local emergency squad. He is a driver, and I am an EMT. We are also active with our church.

Why I chose Inspire therapy to treat my sleep apnea:

I could no longer tolerate CPAP. A dental appliance was not a consideration, due to TMJ. I knew very little about Inspire when I had my consultation. There is so much more information available now. My doctor gave me a lot of confidence, and I am glad I pursued Inspire.

Why am I a patient ambassador?

Being an Inspire Ambassador suits me perfectly. As a teacher and a nurse, I feel I can reach people on their level, and convey knowledge pretty well. I enjoy talking to people.