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Frank A.

Swansboro, NC

[M] Ambassador Frank

Age Range 60-75+

Got Inspire on July 11, 2018

I am a Vietnam Veteran who recently retired from a career as a General Contractor and service with the Federal Government. After a sleep study in 2016, I was prescribed a CPAP machine. Following two years of wrestling with the hoses and various masks, I was feeling totally defeated. One day as I was perusing Facebook, I saw an advertisement for a sleep apnea technology called Inspire.

The rest, as they say, is history. I received my Inspire implant on July 11, 2018, and I have never looked back. My life has been forever changed for the better. My AHI has decreased from 55+ events per hour, to less than 5. I routinely sleep between 7 and 8 hours per night!

Interests: I live in coastal North Carolina in the historic town of Swansboro. I am married with five grown children and six grandchildren.

Why I chose Inspire therapy to treat my sleep apnea: After seeing the ad on Facebook, I began a journey of research, doctor visits, and evaluations to explore this innovative medical procedure. While I realize that Inspire is not for everyone, I believe anyone suffering from obstructive sleep apnea owes it to themselves to investigate the possibilities.

In a few short words, I would describe Inspire therapy as: For me personally Inspire gave me back my life – it doesn’t get any more simple than that!

Why am I a patient ambassador? I feel fortunate to help anyone looking to educate themselves on this device, the surgery, the recovery, and how Inspire has impacted my life.