A Godsend. I can sleep again. I wake up feeling refreshed, brighter and without a headache. I may even have a dream, which I never had in over 20 years.
Hi, I am Denise from the north hills of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I received my Inspire implant in May of 2014. Before Inspire, I had the UPPP surgery, which gave me relief for about 25 years. Unfortunately, my sleep apnea returned. I tried CPAP and a dental appliance, but neither worked.
I was struggling to drive home from work because I was afraid of falling asleep at red lights. I missed a lot of family functions because I could not drive the two hours to meet them. Because of Inspire, I am more alert at work and I have energy to do all the things I enjoy, especially playing with my 4 grandsons.
I enjoy playing with my grandchildren, needlework, gardening and Pittsburgh sports; Steelers, Penguins, Pirates and Pitt basketball and football, as well as Penn State football.
I chose Inspire therapy because I had nowhere else to turn. I have had sleep apnea for over 20 years. Back then I had extensive surgery to correct the problem. However, my sleep apnea returned after 10 years. I tried a CPAP but could not tolerate anything on my face. Different masks were tried but none of them seemed to work. I then tried an oral appliance to no avail. I was to the point where I was struggling to stay awake at work. On my way home from work I prayed that I did not have to stop at any red lights. My doctor would no longer allow me to travel 2 hours alone to see my family for fear I would fall asleep during the drive. Every morning I would wake up with a headache and feel as if I never went to bed.
I want to pay it forward to let potential patients know they are not the only one with this problem, that there is another option available to treat their sleep apnea and they no longer have to feel like there is no hope for them.