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Anne W.

Deer Park, TX

[M] Ambassador Anne

Age Range 45-60

Got Inspire on March 2, 2020

Hello! I’m Anne and I was diagnosed with sleep apnea in 2008 and began using CPAP back then. I used it for about five years, but eventually, I couldn’t stand it anymore and gradually stopped using it. After several years of not using anything, my husband begged me to go back to CPAP. I got a newer machine and thought it might be better – it wasn’t! I’m a little claustrophobic and having anything on my face at night, even using the nasal pillows, really bothered me. Neither one of us was getting a good night’s sleep so I started searching for something different. In 2019, I came across some information on Inspire and I started reading everything I could find. There wasn’t much information on it back then and nobody I asked, including my doctors, knew anything about it. I had to know more. It seemed like the perfect solution for me.

Interests: I love to garden! I have a big flower bed at my house. Each year around September, the weeds would have won and I would have given up on it. Now with Inspire, I have the energy to maintain it and keep it looking nice.

Why I chose Inspire therapy to treat my sleep apnea: Life is better after Inspire. I feel much more rested in the mornings and I’m able to get more done with my days. The “good intentions” that I used to have are now tasks completed from my list. It’s easier to travel without dragging my CPAP along and I’ve never had a problem getting through security. Also, my husband definitely is getting a better night’s sleep now that all the noise from my snoring and my CPAP is gone. I think anyone who struggles with CPAP will benefit tremendously from Inspire.

In a few short words, I would describe Inspire therapy as: “a lifesaver!”

Why am I a patient ambassador? I struggled with CPAP for so long because there wasn’t a better alternative. Since the day my Inspire device was activated, both my husband and I get a much better night’s sleep. My life is more fulfilling because I actually get things done instead of just thinking about doing them. Although Inspire is more well known now, it’s exciting to me to be able to help other people who are struggling with CPAP find this (so much better) alternative.

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