Inspire therapy is a remarkable, highly successful, minimally invasive solution to the problems caused by sleep apnea. It is, absolutely, the best solution available for OSA.
Hello, I am Al and I reside in South Carolina. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea in 2001 and struggled with CPAP for 10 years before learning about Inspire. My snoring from OSA not only affected me, but it took a toll on my wife. Inspire is a game changer; I am now 72 and plan to continue working as long as I am healthy and productive. I also enjoy boating and spending time with my grandchildren.
I enjoy spending time with my family, boating, jet skiing, reading history and watching college sports. I am looking forward to teaching my grandson baseball, basketball, and football skills.
My attempts to adapt to CPAP therapy over a ten-year period were unsuccessful. As a result, I experienced restless nights and fatigue in the mornings and afternoon. Additionally, I disturbed my wife’s sleep, as well as anyone within hearing range of my snoring. I rejected upper throat surgery due to its invasive nature, limited success rate and extended recovery time. Although I was accepted into a clinical trial (STAR Trial), Inspire therapy appeared to be a low risk, logical option.
I am very fortunate to have been selected to participate in the Inspire STAR Clinical Trial. My quality of life, including energy and alertness, has greatly improved far beyond my expectations. I have talked with many individuals who have exhausted other options, including multiple surgeries, with negative results. I feel obligated and motivated to share my experiences so others have the opportunity to experience improved life styles and the simple benefits of a good night’s rest.